Staying Connected in the New Year!

Your smile is a gift to celebrate!

There is magic in your smile.  Your smile is a gift to celebrate!  It opens doors and invites others to smile back. It is a tool that can lift spirits, causes people to lay their guards down, and connects us to folks who don’t even speak our language. It can support you in navigating thru your pain and move you to a place of gratitude.
With Love,

#smile #countdownto50 #iamfreedomsdrum 


Let's Celebrate


When your Mind unwinds, your Spirit it will find. Shawn Trimble

Seasons Greetings Family & Friends,

This is my recent Facebook cover photo. I was four years old and had just been crowned the queen of Sheila and Sharon's Nursery in New Orleans. This picture graced the cover of the program for the crowning event, affectionately titled, Melody of Love.

There was a lot hiding behind that beautiful smile and life has offered me the opportunity to unfold, to uncover, and to unmask one of the greatest mysteries of all- myself!

It has been an all-encompassing journey and on January 28, 2019 
I will be celebrating 50 years on the planet!

Between now and then (and all of next year), I intend to create some heart warming memories, share some of the lessons I've learned over the years, and streamline my social media activities with more intention.

Founded in 2001, Freedom's Drum Marketing & Consulting has promoted spiritually enriching activities/workshops, global movements, publications, and products. Some of you may have received this message in an email are part of an original list that supported me with carrying this mission forward. I am grateful to every one of you! 
Thank You!

I've planted some beautiful seeds in the Universe and as we move into the new 
year, please check out a few of my social media links so we can stay connected.

Whether you Friend me, Like me, Visit me, Share me, or Buy me, you will Love being connected to me!

Shawn Trimble -
@Freedom's Drum on Face Book
@Freedom's Drum Site/Blog
@Freedom's Drum on Instagram

Sage Love trio
Center for Herbs and Healing -
(Healing Center and Home for #TryMeSticks)
On Sale

With Love Movement - World Day of healing thru Letter Writing
@WithLoveMovement on Face Book
@With Love Movement Site

Legacy of Prayers -
@Legacy of Prayers on Face Book

On YouTube -

@ Shawn's Channel


Time to toss the lemons! Cause' Life doesn't get any better than a Tangerine!
12 Bites to a Juicy Life They say when life hands you lemons make lemonade, but what happens when you can't find the sugar? Pick up a tangerine!

I am humbled by the love and support I've received from anticipating the release of my long awaited narrative, Life Doesn't get any Better than a Tangerine. Stay tuned and connected for the definitive release date. Click here to read more!

Breathe! There is power in your breath. Each one is a gift to celebrate! Each one connects us to the Source of all life. Pause. Take another deep breath and breathe in this beautiful moment. Life is good! 
With Love,

photo credit: Malaika Pettigrew
#smile #unwind #pray #countdownto50 #iamfreedomsdrum #loveinmotion #4of50
There is power in your prayers! Your prayers are gifts to celebrate! Your thoughts are your prayers. "Thank You" is a prayer. The way you interact with others is a prayer. The way you look at yourself in the mirror is a prayer. Your prayers are gateways to your soul and speak to who you are in the world. There is no right or wrong way to pray. I AM a prayer and you are an answer to a prayer.                                           With Love,                                              Shawn                                                  #pray #2of50 #countdownto50 #iamfreedomsdrum #loveinmotion

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
With Love, Shawn


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